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商品名稱:Gnomon Master Classes 2009 Sculpting Comic Book Statues And Maquettes 英文正式版(教學)(DVD一片裝)


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TIC3083"--"預測未來的極簡統計學 (運用統計學 才能精準解析過去、洞悉未來局勢!) PDF電子書 繁體中文版
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DVD29273"--"數據分析師八大能力培養 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
TIC3081"--"SQL語法查詢入門 PDF電子書 繁體中文版

Gnomon Master Classes 2009 Sculpting Comic Book Statues And Maquettes 英文正式版(教學)(DVD一片裝)


Gnomon Master Classes 2009 Sculpting Comic Book Statues And Maquettes 英文正式版(教學)(DVD一片裝)


The response from both students, professionals and the instructors has been
overwhelmingly positive, with everyone very much enjoying the quality of the
lectures and feedback given in the private forum. Over forty hours of lectures
and pages of Q&A threads between instructors and attendees was a lot of
information to process in just two weeks, so act now to experience this limited
extension of the experience.

Note: Due to the busy schedules of our instructors, we can no longer guarantee
answers to new questions, although there will be limited interaction as many of
the instructors have agreed to check-in over the course of the month.

Each high-def lecture is 2+ hours long and available 24-hours a day, so you can
watch them whenever you'd like, as often as you'd like
One ticket gives you access to all 16 classes, a total of over 40 hours of lecture!
This is a phenomenal value and opportunity to learn from many of the industry’s
masters, gain insights into their techniques, experiences, thought processes and
workflow. Buy a ticket and get a massive dose of inspiration, motivation and
education while sharing the experience with your peers from around the world.
Another extension is far from guaranteed, so this is an event that you can’t
afford to miss!

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